If your GAY & actively living the homosexual lifestyle your headed straight to hell
GOD will NOT ALLOW sexual perverts into Heaven
this also applies to ADULTERERS
God will not only let gay people back into his home but God will also provide healing to help these souls remember who they really are.
Gender confusion is a brainwashing and mind-control program created by the Satanists who have controlled this planet for thousands of years.
And the explosion of the gay population over the last 20+ years is a result of this programming.
It is NOT their fault.
They are genuinely confused.
It is an "inverted" system, or anti-God, but doesn't mean gays are anti-God or Satanists.
Luke: 23:34, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."
Instead of casting them out, and making them feel ungodly, we need to re-educate and remind them who they really are.
The truth is we are all 50% male and 50% female despite the physical differences we associate with "man" and "woman".
Think I'm wrong?
Consider this, WHY is the right side of every person's body larger than the left side?
This is always evident in shoe sizes and ring sizes where the right foot/hand is always a half size larger than the left.
It's because the right side of the body is "male" [yang] and left side is female [yin].
We all know the term "yin-yang".
Again, yin means female and yang means male.
It is also known as "balance" [50-50] of the male-female aspects that exist inside all creation including YOU.
Again, rather than cast them out, we should show love and compassion and pray for them.
Because whether you want to accept it, or not, they, too, are your brothers and sisters.